Kraft Maionese Classica Mayonnaise Glass 175g

Kraft Maionese Classica Mayonnaise Glass175g Typical consistency of mayonnaise traditionally with soft properties suitable for a standard audience. • The slightly sour notes of the lemonade perfume lighten the sauce, dampening the gas accents. • The particularly sweet taste suggests trying the medium-flavored Kraft Mayonnaise with natural ingredients.Perfect with: •...

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Kraft Maionese Classica Mayonnaise Glass

Typical consistency of mayonnaise traditionally with soft properties suitable for a standard audience. • The slightly sour notes of the lemonade perfume lighten the sauce, dampening the gas accents. • The particularly sweet taste suggests trying the medium-flavored Kraft Mayonnaise with natural ingredients.
Perfect with: • Sandwich filling • Gaseous fish dishes • Salads

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