Mellin Multicereals Cream 200g

MELLIN MULTICERALI CREAM 200g IndicationsThis Mellin product is a baby food indicated from the 4th to the 36th month unless otherwise advised by the pediatrician. Made with selected and carefully controlled flours, Prima Pappa Crema Multicereali di Mellin is produced with an exclusive formula and with a particular processing method...

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This Mellin product is a baby food indicated from the 4th to the 36th month unless otherwise advised by the pediatrician. Made with selected and carefully controlled flours, Prima Pappa Crema Multicereali di Mellin is produced with an exclusive formula and with a particular processing method that makes the naturally present starches more digestible.
This first porridge perfectly maintains its creaminess until the end of the meal.

How to use
Pappa con latte: for the first porridge, start with about 3/4 tablespoons of Mellin Multigrain Cream to be dissolved in 180ml of hot milk;

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