Fette Biscottate Mulino Bianco Malto D’Orzo 315g
Le Malto d’Orzo RusksMULINO BIANCO 315g Say good morning to your day with the sweetness of Barley Malt toast. They are prepared only with carefully selected and controlled raw materials. Founded in beautiful Emilia Romagna in 1974, Mulino Bianco has become an iconic brand in Italy. You’ll find their crispy...
Le Malto d’Orzo Rusks
Say good morning to your day with the sweetness of Barley Malt toast. They are prepared only with carefully selected and controlled raw materials.
Founded in beautiful Emilia Romagna in 1974, Mulino Bianco has become an iconic brand in Italy. You’ll find their crispy delicacies in nearly every pantry across the country. Made with wholesome ingredients, you can count on Mulino Bianco everyday
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